Mastbaum - Parent Engagement Survey
Thank you for participating in our school Survey. We hope to gather your feedback for our School environment. We hope to not only improve our students academics but also our engagement with you as parents!

We want to hear your feedback so we can keep helping our children succeed. Please fill this quick survey and let us know your thoughts (your answers will be anonymous).
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Do you feel our school provides a welcoming environment for parents?
Are you kept informed about parent involvement activities by the school?
What would enable you to participate in parent meetings, workshops, and activities?
Check all that apply
Childcare Assistance
Transportation Assistance
Morning Meetings (8:15 am – 11:00 am)
Evening Meetings (6:00 pm – 7:30 pm)
Access to information online
Additional Translation Support/Interpreters
Other (explain)
If you selected other, please write why below
How would you like the Title 1 Parental Involvement funds used at your child’s school?
Check all that apply
Parent workshops
Parent Resource Center books
Parent Resource Center computer
Books for parents to read with their children
Summer materials for use at home
Other (explain)
If you selected other, please write why below
What would help you participate more in decision-making and the overall academic achievement in your child's school?
Check all that apply
More encouragement from the school to get involved
More information on how to get involved
More information about school issues to be addressed
More opportunities to share my opinion about school issues
How can teachers and school staff improve your connection to the school and value what you have to offer?
What Parent Workshop topics would be most helpful for you to support your child’s education?
Name (optional)
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