United House Publishing Project Proposal
We work with Christian authors to publish books, children's books, Bible studies, journals, coloring books, magazines, and curriculum. The message does not have to be Christian specific, just life-giving and encouraging.
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First and Last Name *
Email address *
Proposed Book/Magazine Title *
Tagline *
Core Message *
Mission/Impact of the Project *
Target Audience *
Please provide your social media handles: IG and FB *
About the Author *
Marketing and Promotion: What can you specifically do to market and promote the project? *
Estimated length (number of chapters/pages) *
Chapter Outline or Table of Contents: Can you show us how your project will look from start to finish? *
Additional Information We Should Know:
Please email a word document of your manuscript (even if only partially complete) to info@unitedhousepublishing.com
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