Cowboy Beans Cook-Off
Registration form to submit beans to the Cowboy Beans Cook-Off competition. Judges will select 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place beans winner. All winners will receive a prize. Please submit your registration by June 20, 2024. Bring one pot to the event at Proksa Park (Corner of 31st and Wisconsin, Berwyn) by 12:45pm on Sunday, June 23.

The panel of judges will taste and the remainder of "pot" will be shared with attendees. (Pot can be crockpot, pan, etc, please make sure the beans are warm to eat.) Thank you for supporting this event with your cooking skills!

If you have any questions, please contact Summer  at Thank you!
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Name of Beans/Bean Recipe
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Ingredients (Please list any known allergens like nuts, dairy, eggs)
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