Recently the landowner at the base of the Cedar Ridge and Hyde Park Canyon Loop Trail placed signs and stones to block access.

After speaking with the landowner, they shared they intend to permantly close this off.

Due to the long-standing history of this trail (over 70 yrs), blocking access violates Utah law.

Read more here:
1) Prescriptive Easement Statute
2) Prescriptive Road Statute

This trail should remain open to the public. 

Please show your support by providing info below.

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Recent sign and stones placed to block access
Another sign recently set by landowner to block access
Do you wish to keep this trail open?
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How have you used this trail? (Check all that apply) *
When was the earliest you ever used the trail? (Rough estimate is fine)
Do you currently use this trail?
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If you answered "no" above, when did you stop using the trail? (Rough estimate is fine)
Would you be willing to sign an affidavit attesting to the use of the trail?
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Please share any addional info here 
Examples: your use of the trail, interactions with the landwoner, wishes for the trail... etc
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