Northwoods Team Trail Team Registration
Thanks for deciding to fish with us this season! We look forward to another fun, competitive, and safe season. Please ACCURATELY fill out the registration form below for your team. 

If you have questions, comments, or concerns please contact the tournament directors by emailing or by messaging us via our Facebook Page.

Please keep in mind, per our rules, teams are only eligible to sign up for our Tournament of Champions (TOC) if:
  • they have fished/signed up for a minimum of TWO (2) regular season events OR 
  • finished in the top 3 of any NWTT event that season
If your team signs up for at least TWO (2) regular season events then you may also sign up ahead of time for the TOC. 

Lastly, a reminder that each team is responsible for paying the annual mandatory club fee ($60) regardless of how many events your team fishes during the season (IE: even if you only plan to fish 1 event your team must still pay the club fee for that season). 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Select the event(s) for which you are signing up *
Each event (including the TOC) is $60/tournament
Angler 1 first and last name *
Angler 1 email address *
We'll only use this to send you a confirmation and communicate regarding our tournaments (IE: no spam!)
Angler 1 cell phone number *
Used only for communication purposes (weather updates, tournament updates, etc.)
Angler 2 first and last name *
Angler 2 cell phone number *
If your partner has a cell phone, you MUST provide it here unless your partner is a minor.   
Angler 2 email address
  Does your partner want the NWTT communicating with them as well? If so, please provide below.  

The tournament directors have the final say in all matters regarding the operation of the Northwoods Team Trail. The enforcement and revision of the rules at any time without notice is at the complete discretion of the tournament director(s). All decisions are final.

By clicking "I accept and our team has signed the waiver" below, your team understands that by submitting this form you and your partner are acknowledging and agreeing to all terms and conditions set forth in the liability waiver and rules document and acknowledge these shall be binding upon your team, spouses, heirs, and assigns for all Northwoods Team Trail events in 2023. Your team understands that the completion and submission of this e-form serves as a legal signature and agreement to the above statements.

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