If higher self is the blueprint of life, would you like to connect with them? Living in such a turbulent time such as ours, we often feel lost and try to look for solutions outside. What if the answer is actually within and all we have to do is to open up and listen? This course aims to use various mindful and creative practices to transcend our analytical mind and connect with the wisdom of higher self. The journey never fails to take us to exactly where we need to be, so don’t be surprised to find out all the resources you ever want is already in your heart.
日期 Date:9, 16, 23, 30/7 逢星期五 every Fri
時間 Time:19:30-21:30 (共4堂 lessons)
地點 Location:JCCAC L5-16 W Studio
費用 Fee:HK$950
Students who completed the course can join one healing with art 1 on 1 session for only $250
**4人可自成一班,歡迎包堂 4 people can form one class. Private group is welcomed
*** 廣東話授課 Taught in Cantonese - for English classes, please contact
Suitable for anyone who wants to know and take care of his or her mind, body, and soul as well as friends interested in creative art and self-healing; also welcome artists across medium and people who have no art background at all.
【導師簡介 teacher bio】
Winston Lau 劉俊賢
2008年與友人成立了位於香港賽馬會創意藝術中心 (JCCAC) L5-16的 W Studio,2011-12年遠征歐洲尋找更多創作靈感及機會,於倫敦、西班牙、波蘭等地發表裝置行為作品。2014年起以台灣作為他遊歷修行的其中一個主要據點,其作品已遍佈寶島不同地方。Winston深知除了以人慣性的表層意識了解世界外,人生還有很多肉眼看不到的平面,所以他慢慢把藝術與生命融為一體,用天賦的創意直覺體驗生存真諦。
Graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a BFA in 2003, Winston loves to explore the deeper dimension of life and enjoys using alternative methods to inspire people from all cross of life. He has taught creative and soulful courses in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Spain, and the United States.