A-B Travel Basketball Program
Travel basketball is for boys and girls in 4th through 8th grade who live in and/or attend public school in Acton or Boxborough. This is where you register for tryouts for the 2024-2025 travel basketball season. 

All players must register for tryouts but not all will be selected for a team. There is a $25 registration fee that is collected now. Tryouts will be held over two weekends in late October. Practices will begin in November. Opening day of the regular season will be December 8, 2024. 

Players selected for a team, the balance due this year will be $430 for the season which will include full uniform (shorts and jersey) OR $380 if you can reuse your full uniform (shorts and jersey) from last season (the uniform is sold as a set). This fee will be due within two weeks of rosters being finalized. 

As a non-profit, we have limited opportunity to provide financial aid. If there is a chance you will need financial aid consideration if your child is selected for a roster, please contact us prior to attending tryouts. 
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Player's Last Name *
Player's (Preferred) First Name *
Please list the first name your son/daughter prefers to be called by friends
Entering which grade in September 2024? *
Please be accurate here and only select the grade s/he is actually entering this fall - if you want your son/daughter to play "up," you need permission from the program first. Please do not select any grade level your son/daughter is not actually in. 
Date of Birth *
Parent / Guardian #1 (Preferred) Name: *
Parent / Guardian #1 Cell Phone: *
Parent / Guardian #1 E-Mail Address: *
Please type this out carefully! E-mail is our MAIN method of communication.
Parent / Guardian #2 (Preferred) Name (if none - please type none): *
Parent / Guardian #2 Cell Phone (if applicable):
Parent / Guardian #2 E-Mail Address (if applicable):
Does your child have any medical issues we should know about / may affect the ability to participate in a competitive sport? *
Will your child need to balance other sports/activities this winter with a basketball schedule? School is obviously a given - but if you know for sure s/he will have something else going on this winter, please briefly explain here so our coaches are not surprised by it later.
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