Stuyvesant Alumni Interest Form
The Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association (SHSAA) champions Stuyvesant students and alumni. With 50,000+ alumni around the globe, we harness the intellect and resources of our powerful network to support Stuyvesant, empower its dynamic student body of 3,300+ pupils, and promote fellowship among alumni.

SHSAA Supports Stuyvesant High School by:
  • Bridging the gap between public funding and what students need.
  • Investing in facilities, books, and equipment that support research and exploration.
SHSAA Serves Students through:
  • Mentorship that broadens their interests and develops important social skills.
  • Scholarships to deserving Seniors that support their academic careers.
SHSAA Serves Alumni through:
  • Events that build connections and dialogue between students and one another.
  • Opportunities to give back to Stuyvesant’s living legacy.
Let us know how you would like to get involved in our different programs!

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First Name *
Last Name *
Stuyvesant Class Affiliation *
e.g., 1972, 1998, 2012, etc.
Preferred Email *
I am interested in volunteering as a: *
NB: Choose as many as you are interested in.
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