Olympia church of Christ - Ladies' Day Registration
When: November 2, 2024. 9:00 - 2:00
Check In: 9:00 - 9:30
Where: 3132 Boulevard Rd SE, Olympia, WA 98501
What: A day of fellowship, encouragement, and practical application
Any questions or concerns? Contact us at: olycofcladies@gmail.com 

Special Note: 
Please refrain from wearing fragrances. We have several members with allergies. Thank you for being considerate of our sisters. 
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Please provide your phone number if it is your preferred method of contact and whether you prefer text or voice. 
How BEST do you process information in order to apply it to your life and encourage others? This will help us form our break out groups after we hear from both speakers. 
If you are registering for more than one person please respond for them in the next box or complete a separate form for them. 
Who else will be attending with you? 
First and last names as well as their best way to process information. (Writing, discussing, singing, praying, creating)
Home congregation (n/a if not applicable)  *
Food Allergies (We will try to accommodate) 
How may we pray for you?  *
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