The Search - Finding the Meaning of Life (2024)
What do you seek? Who are you? Why a god? What's our story? Who is Jesus? Am I saved? Why a church?

Join us on The Search, a weekly Catholic video programme that explores life's big questions over 7 sessions.

Watch the trailer here:

Day & Time: Every Tuesday 9am onwards. 
- We will start with opening prayer and the video. Those who need to leave for their exercise class may do so and those who would like to stay on for further discussion and closing prayer are welcome to stay on till 10.45am 
Date: Starts 27 August
Venue: St Joseph AVA Room, St Joseph's Church (Bukit Timah)

If you are interested in THE SEARCH but cannot make the timings, please indicate below your preferred timings. If we have enough people to start a session, we will update you accordingly. 

For any clarifications, please contact Jane:

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Are you able to attend the Tuesday morning sessions? *
If you cannot attend the Tuesday morning sessions, please indicate what other timings you prefer? Please tick all that apply *
How did you hear about our 'The Search' programme? *
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