AQED Survey - Certification of Studies secondary 4 & 5
While all ministerial exams have been cancelled this year, homeschooled students who are to receive certification of studies by the school boards are being given one-time exams that count for 100% of their grade. This is totally unfair to our children, especially during a pandemic.  Your opinion and comments on this issue are important. Thank you for your input!
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What is the name of your school board or school service center? *
What is your child's grade level? *
How is your child evaluated for his/her educational sanction? *
In the case of an exam, did you have access to the necessary preparation (past exams, topics to cover, etc.)? *
Did your child receive any accommodations needed for exams? *
Do you have any comments or suggestions you would like to share with us on this topic?
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