Sec 31aa and Sec 97 Survey
Our school was awarded a  grant for School Mental Health and Safety Grant (Section 31aa and Section 97) grant to support activities to improve student mental health and school safety.  These funds are designated for one-time or short-term expenditures to address student mental health and school safety supports.

We are seeking feedback from district stakeholders to determine how the district should best utilize these fund.  Please let us know your opinion by completing the survey before it closes on November 21, 2023. 

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.
Your Name: *

Please select the stakeholder group(s) that best describe your role within DCPHW
Student Mental Health Supports is one focus of this grant.  What do you believe are the best ways to address this priority? Please select 2 - 4  items you consider to be most important to address this priority.
School Safety is the second focus of this grant.  What do you believe are the best ways to address this priority? Please select 2 - 4  items you consider to be most important to address this priority. 

Please share any additional options or comments you have for this one-time or short-term use of the School Mental Health and Safety Grant.  Additionally, if you answered "Other" for questions # 3 or 4, please provide clarity on your selection.  Thank you.
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