Latter-day Saints for Harris Call Sign-Up Form
Put your shoulder to the wheel, push along!

No matter where we are in the country or in life, we believe that Vice President Kamala Harris would make an excellent President of the United States. We’re ready to stand for freedom, the rule of law, and doing our part to build a better country for everyone. While we are concerned about the policies of Project 2025 / Agenda 47 and past attempts to undermine the Constitution, we are equally focused on the positive changes we can achieve together.

We won't go back

We're going to keep the faith, be "anxiously engaged in a good cause," and put our shoulder to the wheel to win this election! We're so excited to join with you in this work!

Note: by RSVP'ing to this call, you are agreeing to be contacted by Latter-day Saints for Harris. We will protect your data and only use it to communicate with you about Latter-day Saints for Harris.

Latter-day Saints for Harris launch

Tuesday, August 6th

8:00 p.m. EDT / 6:00 p.m. MDT

Can't make it? Make a donation to Kamala Harris for President here.

(This is an all-volunteer effort that is not affiliated with or endorsed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.)
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Tell us why you're excited to help elect Vice President Harris
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