We are seeking redress and exploring different legal routes to address the NAC breach of contract.
After putting out a call to the Creative Sector to partake in the Presidential Employment Stimulus Package, intended to assist the sector in getting back on its feet between the months of January to March 2021, numerous organisations and individuals in the sector applied for grants.  

The National Arts Council, an agency of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, was appointed to handle the adjudication and distribution of funds. After a delayed adjudication process (which has still not been concluded at the time of writing), some projects were confirmed and contracted by the NAC for specific budgeted amounts and with specific payment schedules as per NAC mandate.

All projects had to be concluded by 31 March 2021 as mandated by the NAC.  In a recent meeting between the stakeholders and the then CEO of the NAC, Miss Rosemary Mangope, and Council Members Tshepo Mashiane and Dr. Sithole, the NAC announced, without any consultation with the sector, that all funding, both contracted and not yet adjudicated, will be reduced in order to 'spread the money further' and 'retain more jobs'.  This will impact hugely on projects that were contracted at set and agreed amounts.  

We intend on pursuing legal action against the NAC through further exploration.

This initiative is led by Thandile Petshwa, Jaco van Rensburg and Yvette Hardie who are inviting anyone with similar grievances to partake in further legal exploration, in collaboration with Im4theArts and SAUCCIF.  

A Whatsapp group will be established to keep all involved up to date by Wednesday 10 March that will update all subscribers on progress made.

Please send supporting documentation to admin@im4thearts.org.za (Currently, lawyers are asking to see first and second contracts, Grant notification letters and we may need to request examples of other forms of email communication in time.)
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Name and Surname *
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Phone number *
What province are you from? *
Have you received a formal agreement from the NAC? *
For which Stream did you receive an Agreement? *
What is the total amount owed to you by the NAC? *
Have you received any moneys from the NAC, for either Stream 1 or Stream 2? (Give as much detail as possible.) *
Do you have any other written communication (emails) between you and the NAC outside of the grant portal that would substantiate your case, and if so, would you be willing to share this in support of the case? *
Anything else that you think we should know in order to support this legal case?
These could include your Notifications from NAC, your Grant Notification Letter, your original contract, your amended contract, etc.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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