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Join Collective Success @ Penn
Welcome to Collective Success at Penn! This is a quick sign-up form and should take less than 5 minutes to complete.
The Collective Success Network is building a platform in Philadelphia for professionals and companies to support and mentor college students who may also be the first generation in their family to attend college to achieve their academic and career aspirations. This initiative is a collaboration between professionals and students building and leading campus chapters at Drexel, Temple, and Penn.
Joining this network will give you access to a social support network of diverse caring professionals who have relevant life experience to help you navigate the path forward. Many of the professional volunteers were once lower-income, first-generation college students.
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* Indicates required question
First Name
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Last Name
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Email Address
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Best phone number to reach you:
Your answer
What school within Penn are you enrolled?
Your answer
What is your current year in college?
1st Year
2nd year
3rd year
4th year
5th year
Recent graduate
What is your expected graduation date?
Your answer
What is your college major(s)? (you can write undecided if you don't yet know)
Your answer
What industries are you interested in exploring? (please check all that apply)
Healthcare Services and Medicine
Law and Government
STEM (e.g. Technology, Engineering, R&D)
Business and Finance
Architecture, Creative, & Performing Arts
Communications, Media, & Journalism
Academia and Education
Nonprofit and NGO
What job(s)/position(s) are you pursuing for a summer internship or a full-time position after graduation?
Your answer
The four main Intercollegiate Programs are:
1. Group Mentorship Program (must be in Philadelphia) - Pods will consist of 2 professionals and 3-4 students and will meet for 5 sessions (after work) over 10 weeks during (each pod works out their own meeting schedule). Sessions will either be hosted at the companies office or held near the campuses of Drexel, Penn and Temple.
2. Career Guidance Program - Students are matched with a seasoned professional in their desired industry who will review and provide personalized feedback on their cover letter and resume, and help coach and prepare students for interviews.
3. Company Visits (to corporations in the Philadelphia area) Program - We will bring a a group of 15-20 students to a visit companies in their desired field so students can gain exposure to the industry, explore the fit, and build their network.
4. Learning Events (Expert-led Workshops, Panel Discussions and Talks) - the purpose is to equip students with the understanding, skills and competencies essential to recruiting and building a successful career.
In addition we will plan social events like meet and greets for students and professionals to mingle and an end of year celebration.
Which programs are you interested in? (see descriptions above)
1. Group mentorship Program
2. Career Path Guidance Program
3. Company Visits Program
4. Learning Events Program
5. Social events
Would you like to volunteer to take a leadership role in running a current or starting a new Collective Success Chapter at your college or university? If yes, please tell us about the strengths, relevant experience, skills, and passion(s) that you can contribute.
Your answer
Please answer the following questions so that we may not only better understand the diversity of our membership, but also organize events that are geared to participants.
Where is your hometown? (city, state or country if international)
Your answer
Where do you live during the school year?
Dormitory, off-campus, commute, etc.
Off-campus housing
Please indicate your ethnicity/ethnicities/cultural heritage(s).
e.g. African-American, Native American, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Vietnamese, Chinese, Bosnian, Greek, Pakistani, Nigerian, etc.
Your answer
Please indicate your preferred gender identity.
Prefer not to say
Clear selection
First-generation status
At least one of my parents graduated from college with a bachelor's degree
At least one of my parents attended some college
Neither of my parents attended any college
My parent(s) attended college outside the United States
Prefer not to answer
Are you eligible for a Pell grant?
Prefer not to answer
How did you hear about this initiative?
Your answer
Optional: In hindsight, what is one thing you wish you had known before you started college?
Your answer
Optional: Please share any requests or suggestions for future events or programs here.
Your answer
Please use this space to share any additional messages.
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