2019 Scablands Overnight Field Trip Permission Slip
WHAT: The fourth and fifth graders will be traveling to the Scablands of Central Washington in the middle of May for our overnight field trip. It will be a culmination of our geology studies this trimester.

WHERE: We'll be staying at Delany Environmental Learning Center within Sun Lakes-Dry Falls State Park in Coulee City, Washington. Students will have the option of either sleeping in bunk houses or camping.

WHEN: We'll leave school on Tuesday, May 14th by 8:30am and return Thursday, May 16th between 5:00 and 6pm. We'll have a more accurate return time when we're on the drive back on that Thursday.

WHY: This trip serves as a culmination of both our geology studies and the community we have built and fostered this school year. This trip will be remembered for years to come!

COST: We are requesting a contribution of $45 per student to cover the cost of food and lodging. All students will be able to participate in this trip regardless of family's ability to contribute. If you can't contribute $45, feel free to give what you can. If you're willing and able to give an additional to sponsor another child's participation in the trip, you are more than welcome to do so! It's much appreciated! PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO "CORBETT SCHOOL DISTRICT" with "4th/5th GRADE OVERNIGHT" in the memo line and send in payment with your child to school.

If you're chaperoning, we are requesting a contribution between $10 and $25 based on what you're comfortable paying. We understand you're coming as a chaperone and volunteering your time, possibly unpaid from your job. However, this contribution will help cover the cost of food you'll eat on the trip.

TRIP PARTICIPATION: If your child will not be attending the overnight field trip, they are still expected to attend school. They will have access to a normal school day.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have more than one fourth or fifth grader coming, you'll have to complete this form twice.
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What is your child's name? *
Who is your child's homeroom teacher? *
Does your child have permission to attend the overnight field trip from Tuesday, May 14th until Thursday, May 16th? Please note that by giving your child permission to attend the trip, you are authorizing emergency medical treatment in the event you cannot be reached. *
What is your name? *
If your child will not be going on the overnight field trip, you do not need to fill out the rest of this form.
Please provide your work phone number.
Please provide your home phone number.
Please provide your cell phone number.
Which phone are you most likely to answer in the event we need to get a hold of you?
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Please provide an emergency contact that we can get a hold of in case you're not reachable.
What's a phone number for your emergency contact?
If your child has any special dietary restrictions or needs, please describe below so we can plan meals accordingly. Now is a good time to let us know if you'd prefer to send food with your child.
If your child has any medical needs that we need to be aware of that could impact their participation in the trip, please describe them so we are prepared.
If your child will need to take any medication during the trip, please describe below. This is FOR EVERYTHING from Tylenol if they have a cold to Melatonin to help them go to bed. If your child already takes a medication at school, only fill this out for the medication they take at home.
Who does your child have health insurance with?
What is their health insurance number?
Would you like the cafeteria to prepare a lunch and snack for your child for Tuesday, May 14th?
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Do you have an extra tent you'd be willing to send for us to use?
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