Twin Cities Bowling League Interest Form 
Please use this form to express your interest in joining the University of Minnesota's St. Paul Bowling Association.
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Who: The St. Paul Bowling Association has been in existence since the late 1940's. The association is made up of current or past members of faculty, staff, graduate students and alumni of the University of Minnesota community. 

What/When: Three games are played every Thursday evening from 6pm to about 8-8:30 pm from mid-September to early April, with a winter break in December and early January. Bowlers create a festive atmosphere by bringing food and beer for those who want it.

Where: With the closure of the St. Paul Student Center's Bowling Alley in 2021, the association has moved their games to Goldy's Gameroom in Coffman Memorial Union on the Minneapolis East Bank Campus.

Why: We have a great community and are looking for new members that would be willing to participate this Fall.

Cost: $11 to play each week + $2 shoe rental (if you can't supply your own)

Additional Fun: There is a banquet with food and drinks every spring to celebrate the top 3 winning teams, along with individual awards, and cash prizes. Additionally, each week an assigned team is responsible for providing food for the whole league to comply with and satisfy our alcohol permit requirements. Yes, you can bring your own drinks if you so choose, otherwise Goldy's Gameroom has soft drinks and other food for purchase. 

This form is just for gauging interest, someone will reach out to you with more details about signing up once you have indicated your level of interest.
First and Last Name *
Email Address  *
University of Minnesota Affiliation *
What college, school, department, and/or program(major), do you identify with the most?
(Used for team selection)
Level of Interest *
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