Registration for The South Dakota Principals' Conference June 12- 14, 2023 
Please fill out the following registration.  All meals are included in your registration. 

Make checks payable to: The Principals Conference
Checks must be separate per the two organizations as follows.

Sioux Valley School District
Attn:  Heather Hiltunen
PO Box 278
Volga, SD  57071

Garretson High School 
Attn:  Chris McGregor
505 2nd Street, PO Box C 
Garretson, SD 57030

You will receive an email immediately after you submit your registration. This email serves as your individual invoice.  You are responsible for adding up your registration total and submitting the email/invoice to your business manager. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
School/Organization *
City *
Phone Number

For the first 150 Registrants of the Principal Conference, the South Dakota National Guard is sponsoring a t- shirt. Please select your size when registering. 

Size availability guaranteed if you register before March. A limited run of sizes will provide shirts for all registering after March 1 and your preferred size may not be available.

Additional Principal Recognition Banquet Tickets 

Please skip this question if you do not need additional banquet tickets.
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