Virtual Writers' Night Participation
Our final Writers' Night will be virtual! Our theme is "May the Unknown Lead to Discovery." We will host a Zoom session from 6:00-7:30 on Wednesday, May 13th. This form is how you become an active audience member and/or participant. How will this work? Well, just answer the question below and we will be able to send you a code for the Zoom meeting on the day of the event. Please include the email address you would like your invitation sent. Just make sure you have Zoom downloading on your computer or phone.  
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You would like to be an audience member for Writers' Night?
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Would you like to share your writing on Writers' Night?
If so, please email your work to Mr. Lieberman at with the title "Writers' Night Submission"
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If you answered yes above, do you want to read your work or would you like someone to read if for you?
If you do not have a specific person in mind the Writers' Night Staff and FlexTech instructors will read your work. If you do have someone in mind please include them in the email you send with your work. Make sure you have their permission!
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