Strides Forward Podcast Community Survey
We're so thrilled you are a Strides Forward listener. We'd love to know a bit more about you and why you listen so we can continue to produce stories you want to tune in for and share.  

The more we know about our listeners, the better we'll become at creating shows you want to hear.

Thank you so much!

Cherie Turner, host and producer of Strides Forward
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Where do you live (as applicable: city, state/province, country)? *
How did you find Strides Forward? *
How old are you? *
What pronouns do you use? *
Do you run? *
If you run, can you describe your regular running habits and, if applicable, what types of events you do? *
How would you finish this sentence (choose all that apply): I listen to Strides Forward because . . . *
Please share any other thoughts or feedback you have about Strides Forward.
Would you be interested in attending a virtual Strides Forward event? *
Are there season topics you'd like to see covered? It can be an event or a more general topic about being a runner.
Please name any runners or running groups/organizations we should know about?  
What other running or sports podcasts do you regularly listen to?
Do you listen to the entire episode (through to the end of the story)?
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How do you feel about the length?
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We would love to stay in touch! Please provide your name and email address, if you'd like to receive updates and information from Strides Forward. We will never sell your information, and we'll keep emails to a minimum!
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