Electric Vehicle Recharging in Strata

Wattblock and AGL are conducting a study into electricity vehicle recharging in strata buildings.
If you own an apartment within the City of Melbourne you can register your strata building to receive an assessment and roadmap for electric vehicle recharging in your building.

You will receive:
- Tailored feasibility assessment for installing electric vehicle recharging
- Solar and battery options to lower carbon emissions
- Opportunity to become a demonstration site for electric vehicle recharging
Strata owners face a number of issues related to electric vehicle recharging, such as who to charge, how to bill, and how to accommodate the growing demand for electric vehicles.  

Provide your contact details below to register your building and receive further information.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Building Address for Assessment *
Contact Name *
Contact Phone Number *
Contact email
For further information email support@wattblock.com.au
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