Thanks for sharing your appreciation of PLATO with others!
The New Year is an exciting time to join PLATO! On January 1, anyone can join at half-price ($30) and enjoy membership benefits through the second half of the membership year which ends on July 31. 

To purchase a PLATO gift membership certificate for gift giving, please complete the form below and send the payment to: 

6209 Mineral Point Rd, #203
Madison, WI 53703

Please Note:
  • We are currently only able to accept payment via check.
  • You have a choice of how to receive the gift membership – the fastest way is via email – which allows you to print out the gift membership certificate for gifting or you can email it to the recipient.
  • PLATO's Office Coordinator will follow up with you after your order is received.
  • To see what the PLATO Gift Membership Certificate looks like, scroll to the bottom of this page.

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First David *
Last NameAntonioni *
What David.Antonioni is your email address? *
What is your mailing address?
How many gift membership certificates would you like to order?
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How would you like to receive your order? *
Here is the front of the PLATO Gift Membership Certificate:
Here is the back of the PLATO Gift Membership Certificated:
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