WDC Executives' Networking Session (31 Oct - 3 Nov, 2022)
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Important Travel Information

  • Official hotel check-in time is 1500 hrs and check-out time is 1200 hrs. Any early check-in or late check-out request is subject to availability and charges may apply.
  • Expenses covered by Western Digital:
             1. Hotel accommodation from 31 Oct to 2 Nov (for Partners)
             2. Main event meals (refer to agenda)
             3. WDC Factory Tour (optional, for those who are joining and confirmed)
             4. Meetings and refreshments from 1 – 2 Nov
  • Expenses to be settled by individual guests upon check-out:
             1. All incidentals (eg. mini bar, laundry, etc)
             2. Cancellation charges for any no-shows
             3. Any pre or post extension of stay
  • Airport transfers are not provided, kindly make your own arrangements. 

Should you have any queries, please contact WDC.APAC.Events@wdc.com
Salutation *
First Name
Last Name *
Badge Name 
Email Address
Mobile Number
Dietary Requirements 
Hotel Check-In Date
Arrival Flight No.
Hotel Check-Out Date
Departure Flight No.
Room Preference, if any 
I would like to join the WDC Factory Tour on 2 November PM  (optional) – first come first served basis, limited slots*. 
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*Please note for factory tour, -ve ART test results need to be submitted 24hrs before the tour
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