House District 102 Legislative Request Form
Thank you for contacting the Office of State Representative Ana-Maria Ramos. To receive assistance with a legislative request or event request, please fill out this form. Include a very detailed description of your request to be appropriately addressed. A Team Ramos staffer will contact you as soon as possible with an update regarding your request.

We look forward to assisting you!
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First Name
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Phone number
Title -if associated with an organization
Your address or your organization's address
Are you a constituent of House District 102? (
Please explain detail why you are contacting the Office of State Representative Ana-Maria Ramos.
[If you are requesting new legislation] What is the reason for this bill? (e.g. a recent court decision or regulatory decision, a constituent concern,
a matter raised by local leaders in your district, etc.)
[If you are requesting new legislation] What issues does this bill seek to address? (e.g. a statute needs updating, a governmental entity needs new authority to fulfill its obligation or no longer should be charged with undertaking certain responsibilities, something undesirable occurs too frequently or something desirable occurs too infrequently, an occupation is overregulated or in need of additional oversight, etc.)  
[If you are requesting new legislation]  How does this bill seek to resolve the issue(s)?
PLEASE CHECK "YES, I UNDERSTAND" IF YOU UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Submissions that do not include information notifying the Representative's office about the issue to be addressed will not receive a response. You will receive a confirmation from our team as soon as possible that we have received your full submission. This form submission is not a confirmation until you have heard from our office. *
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