⚠️ We do not work with submissions that promote or contain racist, discriminatory, xenophobic, or intolerant content (including NSBM bands and labels). If your promo includes any such elements or if you are associated with any label that promotes this type of content, your promo will be removed from our system, and no refund will be issued.
✅ What we'll do:
- Review all information;
- Rewrite the texts (if needed) and set up a professional-looking promo page;
- Send the promo page to over 1500 active and opt-in contacts (print magazines, radios, webzines, blogs, Spotify playlists, YouTube channels, Facebook pages, and freelance writers) all related to metal and hard rock, worldwide. Our average email open rate is between 37-75%;
- Respond to all emails from your campaign (requests, questions, schedule interviews, and advertising proposals);
- Send a reminder to all unread contacts (if applicable). Besides the first email blast, we'll send a 2nd email blast once we reach the mid-campaign period to all the unread emails;
- Include a promotional email highlighting the official release date, known as an "Out Today" message (if applicable);
- After the campaign ends, we can receive some requests (like interviews) and we'll forward those requests to you;
- We'll attend to requests from our clients (if they need something like scheduling a premiere or trying to reach a particular media to advertise);
- Your promo page will have a public link at this location:
https://www.promos.againstpr.com/ (without the download link);
- You'll receive a draft before it is sent to the media, upon request;
- You will receive notifications about the results of your campaign only after the media shares their links or prints with us.
❌ What we don't do:
- Send the promo page without reviewing all information and making necessary revisions;
- Influence or control the editorial content of magazines, webzines, or other media outlets;
- Provide social media management services;
- We do not work with submissions that promote or contain racist, discriminatory, xenophobic, or intolerant content (including NSBM bands). If your promo has any such elements or if you work with any label that promotes this type of content, your promo will be removed from our system.
- Provide final reports. With the widespread use of social media, bands and labels can easily stay updated and receive real-time notifications from media outlets sharing their stories. However, you'll receive notifications about the results of your campaign only after the media shares their links or prints with us.
- We do not offer refunds unless the service has not been provided.
⚠️ Please, note: It is important to note that if you are utilizing multiple PR agencies simultaneously, there may be overlap in the media outlets contacted by each agency.
For more information, visit our FAQ or mail us at againstpr@gmail.com or catia@againstpr.com
Last update: 04-12-2024