Bioregional Circle Application Form
1. Empowering your local communities to become SEEDS residents and circulating Seeds
2. One of the facilitators to attend the Global Ambassador Call every week
3. Reporting on lunar cycle basis what’s been done in local community
4. Payment of Seeds Proposal goes for 3 lunar cycle, then reporting to MBC with learnings and outcomes.
5. Way forward after three lunar cycles financial support by MBC is your own campaign on the Co-Op

The Main Applicant would be the person that will be main contact person for MBC to liaise the Seeds rewards with.

In this form, you will be asked to fill up the following information as well:
The mandatory 7 members to start with from bioregion:
2 Facilitators
1 Treasurer
1 Scribe
1 Storyteller
2 Catalyzer & Connectors

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Email *
First Name (Person applying on behalf of the new circle) *
Last Name  (Person applying on behalf of the new circle) *
Have you completed your SEEDS Ambassadors Academy Journey? *
Please share briefly why SEEDS? *
(Estimate 250 words)
What is the location of your bioregion? *
(Estimate 250 words)
Please share with us some information about your bioregion *
(Estimate 250 words)
Please share briefly how will SEEDS support your bioregion? *
(Estimate 250 words)
Please share the purpose of your circle: *
 (collectively, all members are to agree to your circle's purpose)
How many members or potential members do you have currently? *
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