Introduce Yourself
Please complete some basic information in the space below about your organization so that we can begin to customize a proposal/work plan for your group. Please make sure to scroll all the way down and hit the submit button
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Name of Contact Person *
Please type your preferred name
Email Address *
Phone #
What is the name of your group?
Does your organization have a website to help us get to know you better?
How many people would you like to receive training?
What is the most important contribution your group/organization is making to society or your community right now? What makes you outstanding?
What are some of the shortcomings that you believe inclusion, diversity or social justice training would help your group overcome?
How long would you like to work with us? *
Workshop(s) of Interest *
Please refer to the list above for a sampling of workshop descriptions that can be customized to meet your needs.
Please let us know any questions you have about our rates, offerings, methods, etc.
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