Urologists for Equity - Get Involved!
We are creating a national database of Urologists for Equity - individuals who are committed to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in our field.

Use this form to get involved and share your ideas! We will not share your contact information with others. By completing this form, you are giving us permission to contact you as we mobilize this community.

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What action(s) do you think that the urology community could take to address the diversity problem and promote equity in urology?
How would you like to be involved with Urologists for Equity efforts? (select all that apply) *
We recognize the severity and urgency of addressing disparities, especially acknowledging the underrepresentation of Black urologists.  We also acknowledge that there are many groups who are underrepresented in urology. Which underrepresented groups in urology are you interested in working with? (select all that apply)
What skills, connections, and resources are you able and willing to contribute to the fight for equity in urology?
What recommendations do you have for the Urologists for Equity reading & resources list? (please share title and link)
Last Name
First Name
Email Address
Pronouns (select all that apply):
Name of institution or practice:
Type of practice (select best answer):
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Position (select all that apply):
State (or Country if outside of US)
How do you identify? (Select all that apply)
Specialty (select all that apply):
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