Divine Child Sabbath Supper Club - Registration
Sabbath Supper Club is your opportunity to make new friends, eat great food, and break open the word of God through the holy scripture! Members are joined up in small groups of 4 singles/couples (up to 8 people), who meet several times per year at each other’s homes to share a meal, with each participant (single or couple) hosting one dinner each. The Sabbath Supper Club is open to all registered adult parishioners who are willing and able to host up to 8 people for dinner and can commit to attend dinners on the third Saturday of the month, at 6:00 p.m. in the months of September, November, January, and March. 

Please complete this form by August 15, 2023 to participate!
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First & Last Name (Include both names if registering a couple)
Street Address
Phone Number(s) - Please indicate to whom each number belongs.
Email Address(es) - Please indicate to whom each email belongs.
Do you have any animals in your home? If so, please indicate what type.
Do you have food or animal allergies? If so, please indicate who and what type of allergy.
Is there anything else we should know?
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