Testing VirWave OAM Yoga Card Game

Welcome to the Yoga Card Game Feedback Form!

Thank you for participating in our testing phase for the yoga card game designed to be both fun and therapeutic for children. This game aims to enhance physical skills such as motor skills and balance, as well as mental and emotional skills like focus and relaxation. Your feedback is crucial in helping us refine and improve the game.


•  Please fill out this form based on your experience with the yoga card game.

•  If you are a parent, caregiver, or educator, please answer the questions from your perspective as well as any observations of the child(ren) who played the game.

•. If you are a therapist or instructor, your professional insights are particularly valuable, so please provide detailed feedback where possible.

•. Feel free to skip any questions you do not feel comfortable answering.

Your responses will be used to improve the game and make it more effective and enjoyable for children of all abilities. We appreciate your honest and thoughtful feedback.

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