PoleCon 2025 and PoleCon: West 2025 Exhibitor Agreement
Please read the following form carefully and fill out all elements to be able to purchase a booth at PoleCon 2025 or PoleCon: West 2025

If you intend to split a booth at PoleCon, all intended companies splitting the booth must fill out this form.

Please use the email you intend to receive PoleCon communications from.

Please contact PoleCon: info@poleconvention.com

*this form will automatically send you a copy of your responses*

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Email *
Your Preferred Name
Your Legal Name
My business was an exhibitor for the 2024 event
I would like my business to be considered for the following events (mark all that apply)
Name of Your Business
What Does Your Business Sell?
I confirm that I read all the information listed in the exhibitor webpage: https://poleconvention.com/exhibitor/ *
If I have any complaints, comments or concerns about the PoleCon organization, attendees, performers, workshop/seminar leaders, staff, volunteers, hotel, etc. I will reach out to PoleCon directly via email or via phone (not via social media) to discuss those concerns.
I understand that PoleCon does not offer refunds on booths.

Exhibitor booths can be transferred to someone else through a private sale or other exchange.

You and anyone working for your business at your booth during PoleCon agree to follow the Code of Conduct while at PoleCon:

Attendees must respect commonsense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, common courtesy, and respect for private property during PoleCon.

Attendees must receive explicit verbal or non-verbal consent before any interaction that involves physical contact.

Attendees must respect current and applicable rules and regulations for safety regarding COVID-19.

PoleCon reserves the right to revoke, without refund, the convention pass and/or workshop passes of any attendee not in compliance with this policy at PoleCon and/or before PoleCon if a legitimate safety concern is warranted as defined by PoleCon staff and relevant legal counsel.

Persons finding themselves in a situation where they feel their physical safety is at risk during PoleCon or who become aware of an attendee not in compliance with this policy should immediately notify the PoleCon front desk/registration desk so that the matter can be handled in an expeditious manner which may include involving local law enforcement.

You confirm that there are no pending legal proceedings or outstanding judgements for you/your company that could impact participation or involvement at PoleCon.**

Additionally, if you/your company becomes involved in a legal proceeding or judgement that is relevant to PoleCon before the event is scheduled to occur but after this agreement is submitted, you agree to notify PoleCon immediately of this change. You and PoleCon will discuss a relevant path forward regarding their participation at the event which will not be disclosed publicly. 

"Legal proceeding or judgement that is relevant to PoleCon" could include but is not limited to: restraining order/peace order (on you/your business or by you/your business against someone else), fraud charge, assault, harassment, etc.

**If you are involved in relevant legal proceedings, this does not automatically exclude you from participating at PoleCon, however, in the interest of keeping all parties (including you) safe, PoleCon would like to discuss any relevant legal proceedings and work with you to develop a path forward. If this is you, please check "I need to chat with PoleCon" below.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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