Emerging Women Entrepreneur Awards
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Name of the Woman Entrepreneur: *
Contact number *
Email: *
Company name: *
Year established: *
Type of company *
 Company has *
 Last 3 years revenue: *
Current year forecast : *
 Profitability details (Ave net profit, 3 years) *
What is your vision? *
Unique differentiator of your company/product/service:
What smart strategies have you implemented?
How will manage scalability and sustainability (both)? Please provide details
 Any social/societal contributions? If so, please provide full details
  Highlight your risk taking ability (if applicable)
Your role in environmental protection/concern
  Employment generation impact
 Special HR practices (if any)
Any other points that you wish to highlight that can justify your nomination for this Emerging Women Entrepreneur Award ( like Leadership style , etc..)
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