Technocamps Robotics Competition 2022 - Team Registration | Cofrestru Timoedd ar gyfer Cystadleuaeth Roboteg Technocamps 2022
Please use this form to register the school and team(s) you intend to enter into this year's competition. You will also have the opportunity to request to loan a robotics kit from Technocamps. Robotics kits will be loaded on a first-come, first-served basis with the condition that you must enter a team and attend the final on June 28th (North Wales) or June 30th (South Wales).

Defnyddiwch y ffurflen hon i gofrestru'r ysgol a'r tîm(au) rydych chi'n bwriadu cymryd rhan yng nghystadleuaeth eleni. Byddwch hefyd yn cael cyfle i ofyn am fenthyg pecyn roboteg gan Technocamps. Bydd pecynnau roboteg yn cael eu llwytho ar sail y cyntaf i'r felin, gyda'r amod bod yn rhaid i chi gofrestru tîm a mynychu'r rownd derfynol ar Fehefin 28ain (Gogledd Cymru) neu Mehefin 30ain (De Cymru).
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First Name | Enw Cyntaf *
Surname | Cyfenw *
School | Ysgol *
Job title | Teitl Swydd *
Email address | Cyfeiriad e-bost *
Number of Teams | Nifer y timoedd *
Do you require loan of a robotics kit? | A oes angen i chi fenthyg pecyn roboteg? *
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