2024 Election Volunteer Sign-up
Thank you so much for looking for ways to get involved. This is an extremely exciting and important year for Democrats to Get Out the Vote! Monroe County Young Democrats is committed to meeting you where you are and providing you with the resources you need to get involved. 

There are many ways to get involved and we are happy to support everything that we can. As a local organization, our focus is primarily on our state and local races, AND we are excited to help support efforts to elect Kamala Harris to be our first female president. 

The main things that we are prepared to support are:
  • Phone Banking (calling targeted voters to ensure their support of our candidates)
  • Canvassing (going door-to-door to ensure their support of our candidates)
  • Online Organizing (MCYD will provide prompts and research material, our goal is to create material to help Democrats talk to their friends and family about why they need to vote this year)
  • Postcard writing (Many people want an easy way to impact the race from home, we can help you get involved with postcard writing campaigns to contact voters in swing states)
  • Voter Registration (MCYD will be getting onto college campuses and into the community to make sure everyone has an up-to-date registration, including getting their absentee ballot) 
Pick what you want to do, and we will help support you in every way that we can!

Feel free to reach us at monroecountyyoungdemocrats@gmail.com with any questions or ideas you want to discuss directly. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Address *
Email *
Phone Number
What are you interested in doing this year? *
If you are interested in canvassing, in person phone banking, or voter registration please describe your availability. Please include the days and times that generally work for you. This will help us get you set up with the appropriate events.
What impact are you hoping to have? 
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Do you have access to a phone, laptop or tablet, and wifi? *
Do you have access to transportation? *
Is there anything you want to tell or ask us? 
Do you give MCYD permission to send you information after the 2024 Election? *
Where did you find this form?
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