Speaker Inquiry Form
Thank you for your interest in having the inspiring, dynamic, and internationally recognized leadership expert and speaker René Johnson, The Power Zone Coach, and author of Leaving Your Comfort Zone to support your event needs. René is looking forward to speaking directly with you so that she may use her experience and talents to customize a message essential to you and your attendees. To get started, please fill out the short questionnaire below, and then following, we will be in touch within 2-3 business days with either further questions or a suggested time to speak. Thank you in advance!
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First and Last Name *
Best Phone Number *
What is the date of your event? *
What is the address of your event? *
What is the name, theme, topic of your event?  (up to 300 words) *
Please share estimated number of attendees and general demographics. (up to 300 words) *
What is the name of the organization hosting the event? Please share the event website if have one. (up to 300 words) *
What is your budget? (including travel & accommodations) *
Speaking Type Preferred *
How did you hear about us? *
What do you want your audience to take away and really get out of this event? This helps René to customize her presentation for your event to meet your goals and objectives.  (Up to 1,000 words) *
What else, if anything, would you like René to know to help customize this engagement and make it impactful for you? (up to 1,000 words)
Book René Johnson Today!
Please check your email for directions on how to proceed.
Please Read: We respect your privacy and your information will not be shared in anyway. You will either receive an invitation and link to my calendar, or follow up questions to ensure we will be a good fit. Please allow up to 72 hours or 3 business days for my review and reply. Thank you, René Johnson, CEC  - The Power Zone Coach. In the meanwhile, visit our site for past speaking event success stories. We look forward to adding yours! https://www.powerzonecoach.com/speaking.html  Power Zone Coaching, LLC  602-875-8373
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