Dance Labs Workshop Request
Thank you for your interest in Dance Labs!  We're really excited you want to share your love and passion for dance with your community!
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What community is this workshop for? *
Which workshop are you requesting? *
Which area would you like to focus on? *
Share the difference you're looking to make with this community in this area *
be creative!  the sky is the limit!
What is the proposed date & time of this workshop?
tentative is ok - saving a date gives everyone a basis to organize around
Describe where you are hosting this workshop *
public/private? size of space? how does the space feel? please also provide a physical address
How many participants? *
How many do you have confirmed so far?
don't forget to include yourself if you plan to play with us!
What is your budget? *
if you don't have one, please put "0"
Are you integrating this workshop as part of an existing program? *
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