Health & Safety Quiz
This is the workbook for the module Health and Safety from the Rabble instructor training course. You will need to have covered this module.
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Your full name *
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You've arrived at your usual (outdoor) session location. There was a lot of rain the night before and the area you normally use is now waterlogged. What should you do? *
Give 3 examples of checks you should do before the session starts *
For indoor sessions: how many players maximum per badminton court-size area? *
What should you make sure you do when introducing strength exercises? *
What should you NOT do during the warm up? *
What are some of the muscles to make sure players stretch at the end? *
What is the correct order of the Rabble Accident Procedure? *
How difficult did you find this module? *
Very easy
Very difficult
Do you have any other feedback for us on this module?
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