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ASEEES Convention Session Change Request Form
Use this form to request changes to your session.
CHANGE REQUESTS MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE SESSION ORGANIZER except in the cases of individual paper panels and withdrawals from the Convention.
Please note that any change
requests submitted after
September 10
will appear in the online program and the mobile app, but not the printed program.
If you have questions about membership, registration, or technical issues, please
contact us
If you have additional questions about the convention, please contact ASEEES Program Coordinator Leah Valtin-Erwin at
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Last Name
Your answer
First Name
Your answer
Title of the session:
Your answer
Change request is for (select all that apply):
Please note that participants can change their institutional affiliations in their member profiles on the ASEEES member site:
Change in participants
Change in session or paper title
Cancellation of session
Schedule Change (only if it is absolutely necessary due to religious reasons or timezone issues)
Withdrawal from the convention
Change from in-person to virtual convention
Describe the change request.
Your answer
Additional Comments
Your answer
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