Constitution & Bylaws Amendments Form

PDNJ’s operations and work are governed by the organization’s Constitution & Bylaws. PDNJ Members may recommend amendments and additions to be considered by voting delegates at the Annual Meeting. 

The deadline for submissions is Monday, November 13, 2023 at 11:59PM.

NOTE: The Committee will only consider submissions from PDNJ members in good standing. If you would like to become a member, please visit to sign up. If you are unsure of your membership status please contact
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If you would like to submit more than one recommendation, please submit a separate form for each recommendation. 
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Which governing document would you like to change? *
What type of change are you recommending?  *
If you want to AMEND existing language, please paste the existing language below.
If you want to ADD new language, please write that below. 
Please provided a detailed explanation for your amendment/proposal. 
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