Apply For Free Kosher Care Packages

At Kosher Care Packages, we are dedicated to providing support to those facing health challenges. By applying for a care package, you could receive two thoughtfully curated packages designed to offer both comfort and nourishment. The first package will contain comfort items such as moisturizers, neck pillows, and water bottles, while the second package will include organic kosher food, perfect for a Friday night dinner. However, please note that due to the nature of our funding, we cannot guarantee that every applicant will receive a care package. Our ability to provide these packages depends on the donations and funds we have available. We appreciate your understanding, and we encourage you to apply by filling out the form below. Once your application is reviewed, we’ll do our best to arrange for delivery, bringing a little bit of comfort and care into your life.

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Email *
What is your name? *
What is your phone number?   *
What address do we send the care package? Please Include your postcode. *
Health Condition(s) Faced: (Required)  (Please specify the health challenges you are currently facing, such as cancer, chronic illness, allergies, etc.)
Dietary Restrictions or Preferences   (Please specify any dietary needs, such as gluten-free, dairy-free, or other preferences.)
Preferred Delivery Date:   (If you have a preferred date for receiving your care packages, please indicate it here.)
Age of the person who needs the care packages *
Additional Information:    (Please share any other details that you think are important for us to know.)
How Did You Hear About Us?  (Please let us know how you found out about Kosher Care Packages.)
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