24-28 March 2025
Academy Building, University of Groningen
Costs and availability
Please note that there is a limited number of places available for this course. After your registration you will soon receive more information about whether your registration can be confirmed or not. Some of the participating graduate/doctoral schools and research groups will cover tuition and lodging for their participating members (please wait for more information after your registration).
This Spring School is organised by Ghent University, the University of Groningen, Uppsala University, the Huizinga Institute and the Dutch Research School for Medieval Studies to stimulate contacts and exchange between PhD candidates and ReMa students in the field of literary studies, cultural history, art history, media studies, theatre studies, musicology, history of dance, history of religion, history of science, early modern and medieval history. The course will focus on the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period.
This course is about the History of the Emotions, a flourishing research field that connects different disciplines within the humanities, as well as between SSH and the (neuro)sciences. At least five of these disciplines will be represented in this course: cultural history, neurosciences, literary studies, art history, creative writing and musicology. The aim of the course is not to provide an introduction in the field but to deepen the participants’ knowledge of four topical angles through which emotions in history can be studied.
For more information on the program, visit:
PhD candidates and ReMa students are invited to register for this Spring School before Friday January 10th, 2025. Please note that there is a limited number of places available for this course. After you complete your registration via this form, you will receive a confirmation within a week after the deadline.