Nantucket Citizens' Academy Survey
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Welcome to the WPI Nantucket Citizens’ Academy Project Survey on behalf of the Town of Nantucket! We are a group of four students from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) Nantucket Project Center conducting a research project in collaboration with the Nantucket Town Manager’s Office to develop a model of a citizens' academy curriculum. The goal of this academy is to offer the residents of Nantucket an opportunity to learn about their local government’s operations, the services they offer, and the challenges they face, as well as how citizens can become more engaged with them.

We would be delighted if you could take 5 minutes to answer some questions about Town government and your thoughts about a citizens’ academy. Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary and you may exit the survey at any time. All questions are optional and your responses to them will remain anonymous.

If you have any questions, or if you would like a copy of our final report once it is complete, please feel free to contact us at Thank you for supporting this research!

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