Rural Tree Planting Application Form
This questionnaire is for landowners who are are interested in participating in our Rural Tree Planting Program. All answers will be used to determine eligibility for the program.

Please review our program information package here: Land Care Niagara Rural Tree Planting Program Information
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What is the address of the property you are looking to have tree planted? *
What is your preferred phone number for us to contact you at? *
What is your preferred email for us to contact you at? *
How many acres are available for tree planting on your property? *
Have you participated in any tree planting initiatives on your property in the past? *
Is the proposed/potential planting area open, or mostly open land with no previous tree cover? *
Is the proposed/potential planting area adjacent to the banks of a water body such as a creek, stream, pond, or river? *
Is the proposed/potential​ planting area to provide​ a row of trees along the perimeter of the property for the purpose of acting as a windbreak or wildlife corridor? *
Have you spoken with a Forester, Forestry professional  or other organization about tree planting on your property already? *
Are you willing to sign a 15-year stewardship agreement with Land Care Niagara, agreeing to protect the trees for 15 years following planting? *
The trees planted in this program are bare root trees, meaning they are young, small trees planted while in a dormant state in the spring. Do you understand and wish to proceed with the application? *
As a requirement for participation, LCN requires a landowner financial contribution that is put towards the total cost of the program. This can range from $1000 to $10,000 depending on the scale of the project, and the amount of additional funding available that year. *
It is a landowner responsibility outlined in the Stewardship Agreement to tend to the planted area to improve survivability. Are you able/willing to take care of the trees following planting to improve the likelihood of success (mowing between rows, watering, weeding, etc)? *
Do you have specific requests (e.g. tree species) that you would like included in your tree planting? If so, please list them below. Please keep in mind that it may not be possible for LCN to accommodate all requests and some species may be ineligible for funding, however, some accommodations may be available for an additional cost. *
Tree survival assessments are required by Land Care Niagara at 2 years and 5 years following the planting. Will you give permission to Land Care Niagara and partners to conduct assessments as required on your property during the term of the agreement? Landowners will always be contacted prior to visiting the property. *
Are you interested in the Managed Forest Tax Incentive? (4 hectares or 9.88 acres of trees required, more information can be found here: *
Where applicable, will you be able to mow between the rows of trees as required, up to 5 years following the planting? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, please state the width of your lawn mower/tractor.
Are there significant wet areas in the potential planting area? *
Are you willing or able to perform site preparation (e.g. rototilling, mowing, spraying, ploughing etc.) to increase the success of the planting? If you cannot, we will contract these services if required. *
Please tell us about your property and why you are interested in having trees planted. Please provide as much detail as possible. *
Please provide us with an aerial photo of your property with the area(s) you wish you to plant outlined clearly.  Please email the map to If you are unable to please state so below. *
How did you hear about our tree planting program? *
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