Keplerep VI. Application Form
Dear delegates, we are delighted that you decided to apply to KeplerEP VI 2019.  Below, you will find a list of this year's committee topics.

AFCO = The question of the possible utilization of available technologies with the goal of achieving a higher voter turnout among the youth.

AFET = The question of Turkish involvement in the Syrian Civil War and attacks on the Kurdish territory in northern Syria and the role of the EU in this situation.

ECON = The question of tax injustice and the measures that ought to be taken by the EU in order to prevent and combat cross-border tax evasion.

ENVI = The question of growing drug use, the manner in which the problem should be addressed, and the effectiveness of legislative means currently in place.

ITRE = The question of the upcoming sustainable energy transition.

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Choose two preferred committees (the order is of no importance): *
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Just as preferred committee:
Choose one committee that you would prefer not to be a member of: *
School *
Class (year) you are in *
Date of Birth *
ID Number *
Telephone number *
If you are under 18 years of age, fill in your responsible guardian's name and telephone number
Do you have any previous experience on a similar platform? If so, specify.
Do you have anything else you would like share with KeplerEP Team? (e.g. your motivation, expectations, special requirements...)
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