Sign up as interested in  Recover and Remake
Recover and Remake is a series of creative, sustainable textile workshops in a relaxing and friendly environment designed to support the mental wellbeing of Todmorden residents. Feel free to ask us any questions. Please leave us your telephone number if this form isn't suitable for you.
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Hello, What's your name. *
What's your email - we'll use this to contact you *
What your phone number - we probably won't need this but in case we have to cancel last minute... So it's optional
Which workshops are you interested in - Please pick only 2 maximum
Do you live in Todmorden? *
Let us know if you are coming along to support someone or if you are bringing someone to support you. *
Would you be comfortable coming to an open drop in session or would you prefer a more quiet and guided session. We ask this in case the workshops are full and can help you at a drop in session instead. 
Is there anything you want to share about what you want to get out of the sessions or what you need.
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