The Games We Play- Training Course - Application Form
The aim of training course is to equip youth workers with basic facilitation competences using gamification elements and educational games for social inclusion.
Youth workers will be empowered to operate in a frameworks and space where is needed to be flexible in the process of activity, assess the needs of the group they are working with and connect with them, trough that, rising quality of participants work back home in their organizations and at same time practice high quality educational games that address social inclusion among youth.
The Training will take place in Lecce, Italy from 30th September till 7th October 2021( Arrival day 30th September, Departure day 8th October).

Deadline for applications: 14th September 2021.

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Current country of residence *
Name *
Surname *
Name you want to be called during the training( this will appear on your nametag) *
Date of Birth *
City of Birth *
Country of Birth *
Phone Number *
Your e-mail *
ID number
Residence Address ( Street, Number, City, Postal Code) *
Do you have the European Health Insurance Card? *
European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) number
Your age at the beginning of the training *
Gender *
Level of English *
Contact in case of emergency ( Name, Surname, Phone Number, Relation to you) *
If selected, from which city would you be travelling to Lecce for "The Games We Play"? *
How did you find out about this project? *
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