Wellness  Assessment -  Unlock Your Vitality
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Do you?

1. Feel cold easily

2. Feel hot easily

3. Neither feel cold nor hot easily but generally prefer warm weather
How hungry are you?

1. Irregular; I frequently skip meals

2. Good; but I skip meals sometimes

3. Strong; I cannot skip a meal
How often do you feel thirsty?

1.Varies from day to day

2. Often

3. Rarely
Your digestion is and bowel movements are

1. Not so good - I have irregular bowel movements

2. Good. I have regular and fast bowel movements

3. Average. I have regular but slow bowel movements
How are your energy levels usually?

1. Great! I am very active

2. Moderate. I am somewhat active

3. Lethargic. I am not active.
How often do you fall sick?

1. Rarely (once a year)

2. Somewhat often (2-3 times a year)

3. Very often (4+ times a year)
When you wake up you are

1. Still tired

2. Somewhat rested

3. Well rested
Your body structure is

1. Thin and wiry

2. Somewhat rested

3. Medium and muscular
How do you gain/lose weight?

1. I have difficulty in gaining weight

2. I find it easy to gain or lose weight

3. I have difficulty in losing weight
Your skin is

1. Dry, rough and chapped

2. Sensitive and gets sunburnt easily

3. Thick and soft
Your hair is

1. Dry, rough and tends to break easily

2. Thinning

3. Thick, lustrous and oily
Your eyes are

1. Black, brown

2. Grey, green, yellowish

3. Blue
Generally you are

1. Cheerful and accommodating

2. Logical and assertive

3. Calm and serious
Your most common negative feelings are

1. Fear, insecurity and anxiety

2. Frustration, irritability and jealousy

3. Deep attachment and grief
How is your attention span and memory?

1. I have a short attention span and forget things easily

2. I have a moderate attention span and remember most details clearly.

3. I have a good attention span and excellent long term memory, I hardly ever forget things.
When you make a decision

1. It feels difficult and problematic

2. It is very easy and quick

3. You take your time to think it through
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