First Communion - Blessed - Session 1 - The Greatest Event on Earth Quiz
First Communion Preparation Season 8, Episodes 1-6
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What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
1. One of the greatest blessings God gives us is the __________. *
7 points
2. The Mass is the ultimate __________. *
7 points
3. Which are the following are types of prayer? *
7 points
4. The church is also known as God's ____________. *
7 points
5. We can only visit God's house on Sunday. *
6 points
6. How can we keep Sunday a holy day? *
7 points
7. God speaks to us through  _______________. *
7 points
8. _____________ was a prophet who ran away from God instead of obeying His instructions. *
6 points
9. What did God do to Jonah to make him listen to Him? *
6 points
10. Once Jonah started listen to God. God had the whale spit Jonah out onto the shore. *
6 points
11. While two disciples where walking to Emmaus, they recongnized Jesus when He started walking with them. *
6 points
12. When did the disciples recognize Jesus? *
7 points
13. Jesus is by our side ONLY when we go to Mass. *
7 points
14. Learning more about the Mass will help it be more interesting and not so boring. *
7 points
15. One way we can make Mass more interesting is by ____________. *
7 points
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