The Space第三輪測試招募|The Space third round of Beta-testing recruitment
在第二輪測試當中,我們邀請到了10個DAO社區來參與共創,湧現出了很多有趣的事件。The Space產品在持續迭代改版當中,我們將在第三輪測試的時候上線一系列新功能,The Space團隊誠摯地邀請各位前來參與體驗,給出寶貴的反饋意見,參與者將在產品正式上線後獲得空投獎勵。


以及,別忘記加入我們的discord喔~ ➡️


In the second round of Beta-testing, we have invited 10 DAO communities to participate in the co-creation, and many interesting events emerged. The Space product is in the process of continuous iterative revision. We will launch a series of new functions in the third round of testing. The Space team sincerely invites you to participate in the experience and give valuable feedback. Participants will receive airdrop rewards when the product is officially launched.

Different from the second round of Beta-testing, this round of testing will use the "Fighting between chaebol and dogface" gameplay. We hope to recruit a group of people who can lead a team of at least 10 people. We will give each team a certain number of test tokens as a fund, and it is up to you to decide how to distribute them, acting as a "chaebol". The rest of the individuals will participate in the battle as dogfaces. If you'd like to take part in the test, whether as a "chaebol" or a "dogface," please fill out the form below.

And please don't forget to join our discord ➡️
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