Berkeley-Haas Impact Internship Award - Employer Form
Note: Please complete this form before Friday, April 27, 2018

The Impact Internship Award, offered through the Haas Social Impact Fund (HSIF) helps first-year Berkeley-Haas MBAs spend their summer working for a public and/or nonprofit organization while earning enough to pay basic living expenses. This Fund is comprised of money raised and donated by the Haas community.

The goal of Haas Social Impact Fund is to:
• Provide nonprofits or social enterprises access to much-needed MBA talent for summer projects that they could not otherwise afford
• Encourage Haas MBA students, with a passion for social impact, to pursue summer internship opportunities to apply their MBA skills to practical issues faced by these organizations
• Provide meaningful financial support for students to use the summer to determine what role the social sector will play in their personal and professional lives.

To qualify for a Haas Social Impact Fund award, a student must work in a position that meets all of the following criteria:
1. Summer internship is at a public or 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or approved for-profit social enterprise (pending available funding).
2. Intern has received a specific and substantive written job offer.
3. Duration of the summer internship is at least nine weeks of full-time employment.
4. Project and organization must be nonpartisan and nonsectarian.
5. Compensation must not exceed $800/week.
6. Applicant must actively participate in the HSIF spring fundraising drive.

The following criteria will be considered to determine Berkeley-Haas Social Impact Fund Awards:
• Extent to which the position requires skills developed during the MBA program
• Internship’s relevance to student’s future career or personal goals
• Student’s demonstrated commitment to the public or nonprofit sectors through volunteer work, employment experience and/or coursework at Haas
• Employer’s ability to provide financial support and a substantial development opportunity
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Email *
Your Name and Title (Name, Title) *
Organization *
Student's Name *
Employer Questions
In order to help us evaluate the student’s application, please provide the following information (no more than 250 words or 1500 characters per question):
1. A brief description of your organization, including its missions and goals, current structure, staffing, and programs. *
2. What is the nature of the internship? (Please provide a job description) *
3. What are the reasons for hiring an intern with MBA skills? *
4. Please identify the amount and type of ANY compensation and benefit provided to the intern. If none is provided, please explain why. *
5. If your enterprise is for-profit, please briefly explain the need for supplemental compensation for interns. *
Employer's Signature
By printing my name below, I attest that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the information I have provided in this application is true. I understand that receipt of funds awarded by the Berkeley-Haas Social Impact Fund is conditional upon the truth of the information I have provided.

Please sign this document by printing your full name below. *
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